Result of Osaka Qualifying Tournament

Osaka Qualifying Tournament was held on 6th December 2018 at hu+gMUSEUM and 9 chefs competed for their technical expertise and passion for Japanese food.
The first section was cooking technique (basic knife skills) test for 30 minutes.
From one 15cm long daikon radish, contestants had to make Daikon katsura muki (30cm), Daikon ken (for roughly three people), Daikon wagiri, shikishi giri and tanzaku giri. They got nervous and their hands were shaking.The second section was cooking their original recipe of “Suimono”(for five people) in 90minutes, which they have submitted for the application screening. We could see several ways of making dashi.
And the winner is …
Yoo Sung Yeub from Republic of Korea.
He will be invited to Tokyo for the final.
1st place: Yoo Sung Yeub (Republic of Korea, KOJIMA)
2nd place: Zhao Zong (China, 三得利餐飲管理(上海)有限公司东京和食)
3rd place: Wang Wei Ping (China, 三得利餐飲管理(上海)有限公司东京和食)
Also Zhao Zong will be invited to Tokyo final as he got the highest score in all of second place winners.
Thank you all for being a part of the Osaka Qualifying Tournament. We encourage all the competitors who did not qualify this time, to come back and take the challenge again.
更新日:7th 12月, 2018